108-06-10We don’t have anything to declare. 我們沒有東西要申報。
108-06-09We charge $50 for non-members. 非會員收費五十美元。
108-06-07We can order this for you. 我們可以幫您訂貨。
108-06-06We can give you a discount of 20%. 我們可以給您打八折。
108-06-05We are looking for a thermos bottle. 我們在找熱水瓶。
108-06-04Towels are at the service desk. 您可以在服務中心拿毛巾。
108-06-02This scarf is made of acrylic. 這圍巾是壓克力纖維做的。
108-06-01This Philly cheese steak sub is really delicious. 這個菲力起士牛排潛艇堡實在太好吃了。
108-05-31This pair of earrings is made from 18 carat gold. 這副耳環是18K金的。
108-05-30This line is for visitors only. 這裡是觀光客專用通道。
108-05-29This is the last one in our store. 這是店內最後一個了。
108-05-28This is not allowed. 這是違禁品,不能帶上去。
108-05-27This is my student VISA. 這是我的學生簽證。
108-05-26This is my breakfast voucher. 這是我的早餐券。
108-05-25This is the boarding gate for flight 168 to New York. 這是飛往紐約的168號班機的登機門。
108-05-24This is a silver necklace. 這是銀項鍊。
108-05-23This is a 10 carat gold necklace. 這是10K金的項鍊。
108-05-22This diamond ring sells really well in our store. 我們這枚鑽戒賣得很好。
108-05-21This cream is the best for dry skin. 這一款面霜是特別為乾性肌膚所設計的。
108-05-20This cleanser is the best for oily skin. 這一款洗面乳是特別為油性肌膚所設計的。