108-07-18What kind of salad dressing do you have? 你們有甚麼口味的沙拉沾醬?
108-07-17What kind of payment method do you have? 付款方式有哪幾種?
108-07-16What is today’s special? 今日特餐是甚麼?
108-07-15What is the status of flight 168? 請問168號班機情況如何?
108-07-14What is the size of your luggage? 你的行李箱是甚麼尺寸的?
108-07-13What is the scarf made of? 這條圍巾是甚麼材質的?
108-07-12What is the reason that flight 168 is cancelled? 168號班機為甚麼取消了?
108-07-11What is the price for a double room for one night? 請問一間雙人房一晚房價多少?
108-07-10What is the departure time for flight 168? 請問168號班機幾點起飛?
108-07-09What is the best way to eat this fish? 這條魚的最佳吃法是?
108-07-08What form do I need for a sales tax return? 我需要填哪張表才能退消費稅?
108-07-07What flavors of chicken wings do you have? 你們的雞翅有甚麼口味的?
108-07-06What do you have for desserts? 你們有甚麼甜點?
108-07-05What color options do you have for these boots? 這雙靴子有那些顏色可以選擇呢?
108-07-04What are the ingredients in this barbecue sauce? 這個烤肉醬的成分是甚麼?
108-07-03We’re now passing the turbulence area. 我們正經過亂流。
108-07-02We’re in the mood for Chinese cuisine today. 我們今天想吃中國菜。
108-07-01We would like to order more shrimps. 我們想加點一些蝦子。
108-06-30We will ship it to you when it is available. 有貨時我們會寄給您。
108-06-29We will hold the reservation for 10 minutes. 我們會保留訂位十分鐘。