108-06-28We will come collect our bag in a couple of hours. 我們過幾個小時後會來拿我們的袋子。
108-06-27We will come at 6 p.m. 我們晚上六點到。
108-06-26We will announce the boarding time soon. 我們很快會公布登機時間。
108-06-25We want to eat here. 我們要在這裡吃。
108-06-24We prefer a table by the window. 我們想要靠窗的桌子。
108-06-23We offer free alteration once for each item you purchase. 我們提供您購買的每件商品一次免費的修改。
108-06-22We offer drinks, hot food, phone and Internet access here. 這裡提供飲料、熱食及電話網路連接服務。
108-06-21We now charge for shopping bags. 我們現在購物袋要收費。
108-06-20We need to fill up the declaration form. 我們必須填寫申報單。
108-06-19We need to declare the amount of cash we have. 我們需要申報手邊所帶的現金。
108-06-18We have to wait 7 hours for our connecting flight. 我們轉機需要等7小時。
108-06-17We have to change planes for a connecting flight in Paris. 我們在巴黎轉機。
108-06-16We have this model of thermos bottle on sale now. 我們這一款熱水瓶正在特價。
108-06-15We have the sales tax return application here. 我們這裡有消費稅申請表格。
108-06-14We have only one bottle left. 這個我們只剩一瓶。
108-06-13We have BBQ and honey garlic chicken wings. 我們有烤肉以及蜂蜜大蒜口味的雞翅。
108-06-12We have a small portion. 您可以點小份的。
108-06-11We don’t know when we will resume the flight. 我們不知道何時恢復飛行。
108-06-11We can return in thirty minutes. The stopover is only one hour. 我們會在30分鐘內回來,過境時間只有1小時。
108-06-11Today’s desserts are tiramisu and strawberry cake. 我們今天的甜點是提拉米蘇和草莓蛋糕。