108-09-16Your reservation number, please. 請給我您的訂票代號。
108-09-15Your luggage is on the next flight. 您的行李在下一班飛機上。
108-09-14Your food will be ready in a minute. 您的餐點馬上就好了。
108-09-13You will need to wait in person. 你需要到現場排隊。
108-09-12You will get a free sample if you spend over $100. 如果您消費超過100元,就可以得到一個免費試用品。
108-09-11You will get a discount without coupons. 您不用折價券就有折扣。
108-09-10You might want to turn down the gas a little bit. 您可能需要將瓦斯關小一點。
108-09-09You may have to wait about an hour for a booth table. 包廂可能要等一小時左右。
108-09-08You get the member price if you become a member. 如果您成為會員就享有會員價。
108-09-07You don’t have to retrieve your check in luggage when transferring. 轉機時不需提領行李。
108-09-06You can use any yellow phones to talk to a security agent. 你可以用黃色電話跟保安人員聯絡。
108-09-05You can try to re-pack them or take something out. 你可以試試重新打包,或把一些東西拿出來。
108-09-04You can tip them with cash. 您可以用現金來給小費。
108-09-03You can stay on board. 您不用下飛機。
108-09-02You can stay for three months at the most. 最多可以待到三個月。
108-09-01You can return the WiFi router at the drop-off counter in the departure lobby. 你可以在出境大廳的櫃台歸還網路分享器。
108-08-31You can put this under your seat. 您可以把這個放在座位下方。
108-08-30You can pick up a WiFi router at the pick-up counter in the arrival lobby. 你可以在入境大廳的櫃台領取網路分享器。
108-08-29You can leave your bags at the desk area. 您可以將您的袋子放在櫃檯區。
108-08-28You can just eat it with your hands. 您可以直接用手吃。