108-08-27You can go to the airport hotel if you need a place to rest. 如果您需要休息可以去機場旅店。
108-08-26You can eat anyway you want. 您可以隨意地吃。
108-08-25You can buy some hot food at the deli. 你可以到熟食區去買。
108-08-24You can ask someone to swap seat with you. 您可以找人跟您換位置。
108-08-23You can apply for a refund of sales tax at the airport. 您可以在機場退消費稅。
108-08-22You are seated next to an empty seat. 我為您安排旁邊是空位的座位。
108-08-21You are not allowed to work with a visitor’s VISA. 拿觀光簽證是不允許工作的。
108-08-20You are good to go. 你可以通過了。
108-08-19You are all set. 已經幫您改好了。
108-08-18Yes. There’s a 20% deposit. 是的,您要先付兩成訂金。
108-08-17Yes. Please tell me your room number and sign your name here. 好。請告訴我您的房號,並在這裡簽名。
108-08-16Yes. It shall be ready in half an hour. 可以。半小時後就可以過來拿了。
108-08-15Yes, you can buy duty free items during the flight. 是的,機上也有免稅購物。
108-08-14Yes, but we are not responsible for the loss of your bags. 可以,但袋子遺失我們不負責。
108-08-13Yes, but there is a delivery charge. 有的,但要加收外送費。
108-08-12Would you like to go large for 40 cents? 請問餐點要不要多40分錢加大?
108-08-11Would you like it large or small portion? 請問您要大份的還是小份的?
108-08-10Would you like fries or a drink? 請問你要薯條或飲料嗎?
108-08-09Will you consider being transferred to a different flight? 您考慮轉至其他航班嗎?
108-08-08Which flavor would you like, chocolate or vanilla? 你要甚麼口味,巧克力還是香草?